Luckaus Transportas, part of Saudingos Autotransportas, large Lithuanian haulage contractor, has signed a contract to install the addvantage system to its fleet of heavy-duty trucks. addvantage Global has signed an irrevocable subject-to-trial …
SIA RKF Aleks P has signed a four-year contract to install the addvantage system to its fleet of heavy-duty trucks. They are the first Latvian haulage contractor to do so. addvantage Global …
addvantage Global has agreed a contract to install the addvantage dual-fuel system to the UAB Ramstis fleet of heavy-duty trucks. addvantage Global has signed an irrevocable subject-to-trial contract with UAB Ramstis, a …
addvantage Global signs contract with Telmento Transportas worth almost €1m to install the addvantage dual-fuel system. Telmento Transportas, a European haulage company, has signed a four-year contract to install the addvantage …
addvantage Global signs contract with UAB Transakas to install the addvantage dual-fuel system. UAB Transakas, a European haulage company, has signed a contract to install the addvantage system to its entire …
addvantage Global signs contract with Transporto Vystymo Grupe to install the addvantage dual-fuel system. addvantage Global has signed a contract with Transporto Vystymo Grupe to install the addvantage dual-fuel system to …
Following the partnership agreement with LINAVA, addvantage Global has already signed contracts worth €5.8m to install the addvantage dual-fuel system with four Lithuanian hauliers. Four of the major hauliers in Lithuania have …
This article is reproduced with kind permission of Transport Operator Technology provider addvantage Global says its retrofit solution can reduce CO2 emissions and deliver fuel savings With liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) costing significantly less than …
Without urgent action, the UK Government will fail to meet its emission reduction targets for heavy-duty trucks. Despite an aggressive target of a 20% reduction by 2025, emissions from heavy-duty trucks are …
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